
Getting Clear on Your Unique Purpose and Why

Getting Clear on Your Unique Purpose and Why

Why do you get out of bed everyday? Is it because you have to? Is it because you have nothing better to do? Or is it because every day lights you up and you feel fulfilled with purpose in life? When you know your true purpose, you’ll feel motivated, fulfilled and even...

5 Happiness Tips That Should Be Done Regularly

5 Happiness Tips That Should Be Done Regularly

Even though it might feel impossible at times to feel happy, it’s important to stay positive and optimistic. Happiness is about energy management. When you’re energized, you feel happier, healthier and more productive. Every day we use a lot of energy on our daily...

Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

When I was in school, I had big dreams. I saw myself being very successful and running a business. I wanted to be able to take care of my family and have flexibility to do what I wanted. Fast forward to my Bachelor years, the idea of running a business was not at the...

5 Mindsets for Success

5 Mindsets for Success

There is only one thing that separates successful entrepreneurs from others. It’s success mindset. Everything else is falling into places from there. Some might argue that consistency and strategic thinking is what separates successful entrepreneurs but if you think...

How much should I charge for coaching

How much should I charge for coaching

How much should I charge for coaching is a very common question that I get  asked as a business coach. Unfortunately, there is no straight forward answer as many factors influence a coach’s salary. If you’ve ever googled how much coaches charge, you’ve probably seen...

What it means to be a CEO

What it means to be a CEO

Starting my own company was always a big dream of mine. When I was 14, I realized that I loved motivating others and leading them towards something great. I loved personal development and I was always learning myself. Already then I knew that I wanted to be an...